The financial trade market is just one of many industries benefiting from the adoption of cloud technologies. Automations from the cloud are implemented with the end goal of streamlining both front-end and back-end processes, saving both the financial institution and the end consumer time and a good amount of hard-earned money.
The typical trade processing infrastructure involves a front-end user interface portal for the customer, a back-end processing system for the company’s engineers, a transmission system for the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) reporting system, among other technical applications.
By incorporating a unique cloud solution offered by Atlantic.Net, financial institutions both small and large will be able to effectively increase Straight through Processing (STP) rates for each transaction and further reduce the cost and time involved with traditional and laborious manual processing.
The utilization of a cloud hosting solution will establish a way for institutions to increase data capacity or implement new features and capabilities as the need arises, all without needing to purchase new hardware or training employees. Due to its inherent pay-per-use model, cloud solutions help companies save money, and these savings are passed on to the consumers.
Overall, the assimilation of a cloud hosting solution into the trade process will help financial institutions turn their focus to business growth, decrease the turnaround time for transactions and significantly reduce IT expenses. If you would like to learn more about cloud hosting solutions offered by Atlantic.Net, contact us today for a free consultation with our experts.